What is the current role of the Shadow Steering Group?
There is currently a shadow Steering Group in place, operating as a Task and Finish Group to progress the governance arrangements for the Voluntary Sector Alliance. It is envisaged that this group will take on the steering group function once the Voluntary Sector Alliance is fully operational.
What will the role of the Steering Group be in the future?
The steering group will drive the work of the Voluntary Sector Alliance once it is fully operational. It will include representatives from the Voluntary Sector Alliance membership, the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Health and Wellbeing Board Representative, the VCSE Safer MK Board Representative, the VCSE Partnership Lead and a representative from both Healthwatch MK and Community Action: MK.
How was the Steering Group formed?
The Shadow Steering Group was initially formed by a coalition of the willing. We are looking to increase our Steering Group to include the Chairs or Nominated Representatives of the Alliances and Partnerships in Milton Keynes which have a role to play in Health and Care.