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The Denny Review investigated health-related inequalities in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK). The review sought to understand where health inequalities are greatest and what can be done to improve the situation for those affected. A review of the published evidence both in the local area and nationally was commissioned from the University of Sheffield to establish what is known about health inequalities. Local voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE), including the four local Healthwatch organisations, engaged directly with local residents, particularly those from underrepresented groups.




The Denny Review comes from the people of Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. It is the result of intense engagement with residents, much of which has taken place inside communities that feel forgotten, underrepresented, and left behind.


The true test in assessing the success of the response to the Report will be whether those individuals to whom were listened begin, over time, to feel like health and care services are for them, and that the barriers to access are tackled with pace and determination. The Report calls for a bold and radical response from system leaders with a real focus on action, not words.


 The Denny Review plays a vital role in holding up a mirror to health and care organisations, showing leaders the reality for many minority groups, and acting as a lightning rod for change. By bringing all insights and recommendations together and learning from existing best practice, there is an opportunity to ensure that insights from residents reach all areas of health and care.  



Community Action: MK, Healthwatch Milton Keynes and YMCA Milton Keynes each individually carried out research that was put together into a The
 Milton Keynes Joint Summary.

Community Action: MK
Carried out research into the health inequalities experienced by ethnic minority groups and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, people living in deprived neighbourhoods, people with disability, people experiencing homelessness, migrants, and people who are LGBTQ+ in Milton Keynes. This research was conducted by speaking with VCSE organisations and statutory organisations (1) supporting these cohorts.

Healthwatch Milton Keynes
Carried out research into the health inequalities experienced by ethnic minority groups and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, people living in deprived neighbourhoods, people with disability, people experiencing homelessness, migrants, and people who are LGBTQ+ in Milton Keynes. This research was conducted by speaking directly with residents. 

YMCA Milton Keynes

Carried out research into the health inequalities experienced by young people (age 18-35) who have experienced homelessness who live at the YMCA in Milton Keynes.

The individual reports contributed to the final overall Denny Review Report.



The Denny Review report and its recommendations will be presented to the BLMK Integrated Care Board for their response. It is expected that the Board will set out plans to address what their next steps we will be. This page will be updated in November 2023 once we have more information.

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